10 Second Timer Example

I simulated a 10 second timer that counts down from 10 to 0. This is very simple to do. All you need to do is change the text property of the text value with a custom value and include a delay of 1 second. Then add a callback for the next number with a delay of 1 second. Repeat this until you get to the number 0. There is no need to use variables to simulate a timer. If you are looking for someone to help you with your prototype, we are available for hire at: http://protonerds.com/

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Date picker

An example of a date picker that can be imported and used in your project. (Basic use of variables) tags: calendar, picker, date picker

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Storyboard Animatic - Low Fidelity

Animated storyboard using low fidelity assets created in Proto.io, and icons found within the Proto.io library and Noun Project. The "On Screen Show" screen interaction is used to animate the content through a sequence of callbacks. See how this was made step-by-step in this webinar video on Low Fidelity prototyping: http://docs.proto.io/videos/low-fidelity-prototyping-with-proto-io/ TAGS: storyboard low fidelity auto-play

Todd Siegel
