Pro Tips & Tricks

Here is the set of prototypes from the Pro Tips and Tricks webinar: 1) Propagate Events to Items Below 2) Containers as Symbols 3) Conditional Animation 4) Screen Interaction 5) Sketches into Prototype Here is the video of the webinar: The video is broken down with time-codes on Vimeo here: (under read more) They are also below. Enjoy... > Create popover menu with click through to icon below 4:08 > Propagate all events to the item below 4:08 > Using containers as symbols for efficiency (navigation assets etc.) 11:59 > Customizing a navbar component 14:55 > Customize a tabbar component 16:48 > Convert navbar to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:10 > Convert tabbar to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:43 > Convert text box to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:49 > Using a container to create change font style for repeated Titles and labels. 21:55 > Conditional animations triggered by drag gesture using variables (mailbox swipe). 23:04 > Adding containers to canvas 24:44 > Using the draggable gesture 25:25 > Variable Manager 26:00 > Using onDrag variable to change an objects opacity 26:38 > Range of property values that can be changed based on a drag gesture 27:45 > Capturing the X position from dragging an object using a variable 27:57 > Creating a new value if/then argument using shorthand javascript to change opacity using a variable. 29:00 > Creating a callback to the change a property that reads from a variable. 29:52 > Using the onDragEnd gesture 30:33 > Change the Left property using a variable triggered by onDragEnd 30:49 > See range of properties that can be changed from onDragEnd gesture. 31:04 > Using On Screen Show Interaction for creating an automatically cycling carousel. 35:25 > Importing paper sketches (photos of them) to use as background for layering assets and interactions. 40:28 > Toggling between a sketch and your higher fidelity mockup using states. 44:25 > Duplicating interactions between states 45:18

Todd Siegel

Net Magazine Prototype - Juxtacaption

This is prototype was created for the Net magazine article "Design Prototypes That Reel Real - with It includes a step-by-step written tutorial with screenshots here: It's a product concept for juxtaposing two photos and typing a caption about the connection between them. It should look like this. The tutorial starts with bringing in a range of external assets. Then it'll show how to design assets and customize native components within the tool. Interactions will be triggered by gestures, keyboard input, and automatically as the prototype loads, then choreographed along an animation timeline. Enjoy... TAGS text input capture staggered animation variable variables show captured text input on different screen

Todd Siegel

Hide Navigation Bar On Scroll

This is an example of a Navigation Bar that disappears on any downward scroll and re-appears on on any upward scroll.

Akis Ioannou


Demo Prototype for BJP

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IMDb Redesign

Hey guys! I'm back with an amazing prototype for you guys. This has been my longest and quite a challenging redesign project for IMDb whose prototype is pretty awesome and contains lots of stuff like Nested Containers, a bit of animation, some really beautiful visual elements and interactivity for you to explore! I had so much fun making it with and I truly hope you guys love it and would love to know your views and suggestions on how can I improve it :) Cheers! Aman

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