
My first app for application idea contest in Kungbuk, South-Korea.

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umu - assisting parents in challenging situations.

umu assists parents in challenging situations. A crowded day at the beach, a theme park, you name it. A tiny transmitter is carried by the child which's signal is received by the smartphone. When the child is bound to move out of sight or towards a dangerous sight such as water or a busy intersection the parents are alerted. see more at: http://crafting-convenience.com/umu/ Feel free to contact me at: jason@hello-bright.nl

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Recreating the Google logo using just circles and rectangles!

"It’s still all ones and zeros!" We got inspired by this article on Quora (https://www.quora.com/How-could-Googles-new-logo-be-only-305-bytes-while-its-old-logo-is-14-000-bytes) that talks about the Google logo and how it consists of circles and rectangles. So we set off to validate this inside Proto.io (https://proto.io). Proto.io is particularly strong for it’s interactive UI Libraries but it’s web based editor also offers great support for basic shapes like ovals, lines and rectangles. So we recreated the Google logo using only rectangles and circles and what do you know! It all checks out! Having done all this in Proto.io that it also known for it’s pretty neat animation capabilities, we went a step further and created a cool animation that shows how it’s all done. For even more fun you can even import it in your own Proto.io account and edit it! Enjoy!

Alexis Odysseos

Vocation Station

Imagine not being able to get to a job because you don't have a car? Or finding a perfect fit that you can't get to. Vocation Station is the answer, allowing job hunters that don't have access to their own vehicles to find a job based on their ability to get there. Included should be transit times, blackout times, etc.. so that people that may work swing/overnight shifts or weekends would know in advance whether or not it would be something they could realistically do. This would enable employees to apply for the right positions, hold positions longer and employers to avoid and reduce turnover from chronic late-comers and no-shows.

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This prototype is a simulation of one part of the Pandora iPhone app. I have chosen to simulate the part of the app where the user selects a Pandora radio station and then proceeds to select that station. What I have demonstrated is how how the radio station animates from a small entry on a list to a large full screen entry and vice versa. If you would like to see how I created this prototype, please watch this video tutorial here: http://docs.proto.io/videos/pandora-tutorial-part-1/

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This is a prototype for a café discovery service that I'm developing and it is purely for idea conceptualization purposes only! Please leave comments and let me know what you think!

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