10 Second Timer Example

I simulated a 10 second timer that counts down from 10 to 0. This is very simple to do. All you need to do is change the text property of the text value with a custom value and include a delay of 1 second. Then add a callback for the next number with a delay of 1 second. Repeat this until you get to the number 0. There is no need to use variables to simulate a timer. If you are looking for someone to help you with your prototype, we are available for hire at: http://protonerds.com/

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Expand container that moves adjacent content in sync

This simple prototype demonstrates how have a container expand and collapse while moving adjacent content in sync.

Todd Siegel

Recreating the Google logo using just circles and rectangles!

"It’s still all ones and zeros!" We got inspired by this article on Quora (https://www.quora.com/How-could-Googles-new-logo-be-only-305-bytes-while-its-old-logo-is-14-000-bytes) that talks about the Google logo and how it consists of circles and rectangles. So we set off to validate this inside Proto.io (https://proto.io). Proto.io is particularly strong for it’s interactive UI Libraries but it’s web based editor also offers great support for basic shapes like ovals, lines and rectangles. So we recreated the Google logo using only rectangles and circles and what do you know! It all checks out! Having done all this in Proto.io that it also known for it’s pretty neat animation capabilities, we went a step further and created a cool animation that shows how it’s all done. For even more fun you can even import it in your own Proto.io account and edit it! Enjoy!

Alexis Odysseos

Color Picker

Here's a demo showing a basic color picker using a container with 4 states for both the colored star and the color swatches.

Todd Siegel

SpaceTrip Low-fidelity

Basic shapes like rectangles, lines, circles, text and more are available and they can be dropped on the canvas to create the very first draft of a mobile app in order to demonstrate the flow and functionality of the app.

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