Diffy (Slim, iOS)

Shaping the classroom with constructive feedback.

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SpaceTrip Medium-fidelity

Proto.io comes with UI libraries for iOS, Android Material Design, Windows and Apple WatchOS so that people can easily drag and drop those elements to bring their ideas to life. Simple interactions can also be applied, primarily screen-linking and basic navigation.

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SpaceTrip high-fidelity

Designers can use their favorite design tools like Photoshop and Sketch to design the finest details of the user interface for their app. Single or multiple touch interactions can be applied on any UI element (layer) on each screen. Sophisticated animations can be created on-screen as well as screen transitions, using the powerful timeline animation features that Proto.io offers.

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This prototype is a simulation of one part of the Pandora iPhone app. I have chosen to simulate the part of the app where the user selects a Pandora radio station and then proceeds to select that station. What I have demonstrated is how how the radio station animates from a small entry on a list to a large full screen entry and vice versa. If you would like to see how I created this prototype, please watch this video tutorial here: http://docs.proto.io/videos/pandora-tutorial-part-1/

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Faces flying out of bar chart

A data visualization where a bar chart of faces flies out showing the details of individual faces.

Todd Siegel


Tumblr has a very nice series of animations that happens when you enter the compose mode. I thought it would be interesting to recreate this in Proto.io to show others how to achieve these kind of effect in their own protototypes. I have made a companion tutorial video where you can see exactly how I did it. This video is available here: http://docs.proto.io/videos/recreating-tumblr-compose-animations-in-proto-io/

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SOS-Kinderdorf Spenden-App

Die Spendenapp wurde für die Generierung einer neuen Spenderzielgruppe entwickelt. Der Grundgedanke hierbei war es, den Nutzer durch eine, für ihn nützliche Application zum Spenden zu bringen und dabei andere zum Mitmachen aufzufordern. Der Slogan hier ist „ Spenden schenken“. "Spenden schenken" Es geht um die Planung von verschiedenen Events, z.B. einer Geburtstagsfeier, zu der mehrere Gäste eingeladen werden sollen. Solche Einladungen laufen meist über verschiedene Medien und werden mitunter dadurch aufwendig bzw. unübersichtlich. Mithilfe der Spendenapp hat der Nutzer die Möglichkeit über sein Smartphone die Veranstaltung zu Planen. Dabei werden schrittweise die verschiednen Informationen, wie Veranstaltungsort, Datum und Zeit usw. zusammengefasst. Der Gastgeber stellt ein bestimmtes Spendenziel, oder eine Wunschliste, was gespendet werden soll, zusammen und lädt die Gäste zum Miterreichen des Ziels ein. Die Einladungen mit allen Informationen werden den Gästen als Mail, oder auch als Nachricht auf Facebook o.ä. gesendet. Der Gastgeber hat auch nach dem versenden der Einladungen ständig Überblick über versendete Anfragen und das Erreichen seines Spendenziels.

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onboarding of Service App

Re-creation of the onboarding sequence of the app "Service" See how it was done step-by-step in the on-boarding webinar: http://docs.proto.io/videos/creating-great-on-boarding-experiences-with-proto-io/ The app itself: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/service/id1005945537?mt=8

Todd Siegel

Form examples

3 prototypes showing different uses of the form components for iOS 1) Activate / de-activate button when checking / un-checking Terms of Service 2) Capture text input to change property 3) Change number of tickets - limit 8 See how they were created step-by-step in the Using Forms webinar video: https://vimeo.com/118919393 This version on Vimeo includes time-codes so you can jump to particular sub-sections (repeated below as a preview): > Range of iOS form input controls 2:02 > Labels 2:17 > Text fields 2:32 > Setting placeholder text 3:04 > 5 Input Types that display the appropriate iOS keyboard (Text, Numeric, Email, Password, Telephone) 3:30 > Using the Telephone keyboard for credit card number input (large # keys) 4:08 > Need to view prototype on device in order to see the range of keyboards 5:59 > Multi-line text area input field 6:24 > Search Bar 6:40 > Checkbox control customization 7:22 > On/Off Switch control customization 7:52 > Slider control customization 9:27 > Increasing size of slider handle 9:47 > Picker Wheel Customization 10:00 > Prototype example: Activate button when checking terms of service 10:42 > Create a button with two states (using convert to container) 12:55 > Adding interactions to a checkbox control (on change activation/deactivation) 14:45 > Definition of variable and range of uses 17:04 > Using variables with text field interactions 18:25 > Prototype Example: Using a variable to capture text input and show it in a different text box using change property. 23:27 > Prototype: Use variables to increment and decrement counter showing number of tickets being purchased. 28:40 > Searching full range of icons built into Proto.io 29:10 > Using a variable to limit the range of tickets (0 to 8) 32:46 > Copying and pasting interactions with Variables 40:08

Todd Siegel
