
Tumblr has a very nice series of animations that happens when you enter the compose mode. I thought it would be interesting to recreate this in Proto.io to show others how to achieve these kind of effect in their own protototypes. I have made a companion tutorial video where you can see exactly how I did it. This video is available here: http://docs.proto.io/videos/recreating-tumblr-compose-animations-in-proto-io/

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iOS Spotlight

Using color adjustment and filters, I've simulated the iOS spotlight animation. Learn how you can apply these filters at https://proto.io/en/new-features/adjustments-filters/

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IMDb Redesign

Hey guys! I'm back with an amazing prototype for you guys. This has been my longest and quite a challenging redesign project for IMDb whose prototype is pretty awesome and contains lots of stuff like Nested Containers, a bit of animation, some really beautiful visual elements and interactivity for you to explore! I had so much fun making it with Proto.io and I truly hope you guys love it and would love to know your views and suggestions on how can I improve it :) Cheers! Aman

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SET UP A MINDMAP: a) Create a new Mindmap and set main goal media b) Add 1 default image bubble to the canvas c) Add 1 default video bubble to the canvas d) Add 1 text bubble to the canvas e) Add 1 default Sound bubble to the canvas f) Click on one or more bubbles to view details, edit text or play sound g) Connect any two bubbles h) Save i) Return to View MindMap Screen *NOTE: For the demo, bubble shapes are the default dark-blue-blackish colour only. If you want the bubble to have a colour, simply click colour code. The bubble will be circular. Tap/Click hold to rotate connectors. View a Vision Board Task List Help

Carly Holtzman

Endangered Species

An endangered species is a type of organism that is threatened by extinction. Species become endangered for two main reasons: loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation.

Merry Mustard
