Spoon Dating App

Spoon is a dating app concept aiming to make online dating more efficient, and fair. The concept has the following main characteristics: 1) Gender equality ⁠— the app decides who makes the first move; 2) Time efficiency — no need to put in hours of work to meet somebody; 3) Incremental steps towards a clear goal — no limbo states, no endless/goalless swiping; 4) Fairness, respect, and accountability for its users — choosing someone means you commit resources to that person, no second thoughts allowed; 5) Match exclusivity — chat with only one person at a time; no competing for one’s attention; 6) Fast and fluid interactions — chat while both users are online and active, no offline messages. I hope you like it.

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Message notification

Popup message on iPhone simulation Message appears in 2 seconds after screen loads / swipe left to dismiss / tap message app to run again

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Copy of Jobbieeee

Hi guys, I'm desperate for help. My wireframe is done and everything is programmed in proto but screen map isnt working and I dont know what I'm doing wrong. Please can anyone help me look at this? Thanks so much, Luke

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Fashion Shop

Fashion Shop App UI This UI set includes 5 screens: Splash, Sign up, Login, Home and Product Details Design Credits: https://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/3663-hi-fashion-shop-ui-sketch-freebie-resource.html

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