Spoon Dating App

Spoon is a dating app concept aiming to make online dating more efficient, and fair. The concept has the following main characteristics: 1) Gender equality ⁠— the app decides who makes the first move; 2) Time efficiency — no need to put in hours of work to meet somebody; 3) Incremental steps towards a clear goal — no limbo states, no endless/goalless swiping; 4) Fairness, respect, and accountability for its users — choosing someone means you commit resources to that person, no second thoughts allowed; 5) Match exclusivity — chat with only one person at a time; no competing for one’s attention; 6) Fast and fluid interactions — chat while both users are online and active, no offline messages. I hope you like it.

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Circle illusion with Tusi motion

I made this illusion based on the Tusi motion method, which takes his name from Nair al-Din Tusi, a Persian astronomer from the 13th century. The principle established by Tusi states that: If a circle with diameter A rotates on the inner boundary of a circle with diameter 2A, then a point on the circumference of the inner circle traces a straight line. As you can see, any ball in the inner circumference is following a perfect linear movement. This is created with 8 Containers where the balls move linear in a loop. The delay between balls must be always the same as the speed of the animation. An ease-in-out cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .6, 1) animation is required to get the circular shape.

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Google TV Home Banner

Interactive banner with video of Google TV's home page. Must click to enable key presses used on a TV focus interaction model. The menu can be navigated but is only actionable for "For You" on the home page. Switching focus to the banner will enable additional UI and pausing on left/right interactions will allow for video playback with sound. No interactions below the banner are actionable.

Nino Silva

Simulation of automatic logout

This project simulates an automatic logout after 5 seconds of inactivity in the prototype.

Akis Ioannou

Cool save interaction and animation

Had fun working with this experience. Interactions: • tap 'Retweet' button > tap cancel • tap 'Retweet' button > tap 'Interesting Facts' That's all! All interactions and icons subject to change ;)

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Rough Proto of our Walk the World Pedometer App

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