[324-Template - 2024] Bitesize UX - Flower Shop Checkout

Duplicate this file as a starter pack to our UI Animation Workshop

Joe Formica

Drag and Drop Variables

Project using Variables to simulate Drag and Drop to Snap functionality into a predefined area. While also adding Animations and States for a more smooth and elegant process.

Constantinos Thoma

Conditional Animation Loop

An example project which allows the user to designate the number of times the Star component Spins. Simulating a conditional animation loop according to the input of the user while using a total of 2 variables and a container with 3 states.

Constantinos Thoma

Emoji Toggle Component

Mouse over and out to toggle between the active and inactive state. Click to select the active state, click again to deselect. Showcases the power of containers in Proto.io. Each emoji is converted into a container (through the right-click menu). The individual emoji containers have two states: selected and deselected. The parent container contains all the emoji containers. This parent container has 6 states: non-selected, and the active state for each emoji (5). The click/tap trigger changes the both the individual emoji state, and respective parent container state to the active emoji. Easily change the emojis to any other one you choose while maintaining all the interactions. Make sure to click into each individual emoji container and double-click the current emoji and replace the image with the new one from the asset library. Replacing the image by double-clicking the existing one preserves the grayscale in the deselected state. Enjoy!

Todd Siegel

Circle illusion with Tusi motion

I made this illusion based on the Tusi motion method, which takes his name from Nair al-Din Tusi, a Persian astronomer from the 13th century. The principle established by Tusi states that: If a circle with diameter A rotates on the inner boundary of a circle with diameter 2A, then a point on the circumference of the inner circle traces a straight line. As you can see, any ball in the inner circumference is following a perfect linear movement. This is created with 8 Containers where the balls move linear in a loop. The delay between balls must be always the same as the speed of the animation. An ease-in-out cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .6, 1) animation is required to get the circular shape.

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Pro Tips & Tricks

Here is the set of prototypes from the Pro Tips and Tricks webinar: 1) Propagate Events to Items Below 2) Containers as Symbols 3) Conditional Animation 4) Screen Interaction 5) Sketches into Prototype Here is the video of the webinar: http://docs.proto.io/videos/pro-tips-tricks/ The video is broken down with time-codes on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/103316955 (under read more) They are also below. Enjoy... > Create popover menu with click through to icon below 4:08 > Propagate all events to the item below 4:08 > Using containers as symbols for efficiency (navigation assets etc.) 11:59 > Customizing a navbar component 14:55 > Customize a tabbar component 16:48 > Convert navbar to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:10 > Convert tabbar to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:43 > Convert text box to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:49 > Using a container to create change font style for repeated Titles and labels. 21:55 > Conditional animations triggered by drag gesture using variables (mailbox swipe). 23:04 > Adding containers to canvas 24:44 > Using the draggable gesture 25:25 > Variable Manager 26:00 > Using onDrag variable to change an objects opacity 26:38 > Range of property values that can be changed based on a drag gesture 27:45 > Capturing the X position from dragging an object using a variable 27:57 > Creating a new value if/then argument using shorthand javascript to change opacity using a variable. 29:00 > Creating a callback to the change a property that reads from a variable. 29:52 > Using the onDragEnd gesture 30:33 > Change the Left property using a variable triggered by onDragEnd 30:49 > See range of properties that can be changed from onDragEnd gesture. 31:04 > Using On Screen Show Interaction for creating an automatically cycling carousel. 35:25 > Importing paper sketches (photos of them) to use as background for layering assets and interactions. 40:28 > Toggling between a sketch and your higher fidelity mockup using states. 44:25 > Duplicating interactions between states 45:18

Todd Siegel

FOLIO app starter project

This project provides you with templates and UI elements to get started with building your own prototype of a FOLIO app.

Filip Jakobsen
