Submarine Animation

A basic animation created by using the HTML Component with HTML and CSS. No additional images were needed to be imported to create this animation. The HTML and CSS used was found at:

Akis Ioannou

Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop an avatar over a target area that animates when in the drop zone. When released outside the target drop zone, it returns to the original location. Uses a variable to define the target drop zone, that then triggers animations in the zone and when dropped. See how it was made step by step in the webinar video: TAGS: drag and drop dragging variables variable animations on drop animation

Todd Siegel

Avatar fly-in subtle animation

This prototype shows a subtle animation of avatars flying in, and subtle background tint changes. See how it was created step-by-step: >starting at time: 28:40 Enjoy...

Todd Siegel

Form examples

3 prototypes showing different uses of the form components for iOS 1) Activate / de-activate button when checking / un-checking Terms of Service 2) Capture text input to change property 3) Change number of tickets - limit 8 See how they were created step-by-step in the Using Forms webinar video: This version on Vimeo includes time-codes so you can jump to particular sub-sections (repeated below as a preview): > Range of iOS form input controls 2:02 > Labels 2:17 > Text fields 2:32 > Setting placeholder text 3:04 > 5 Input Types that display the appropriate iOS keyboard (Text, Numeric, Email, Password, Telephone) 3:30 > Using the Telephone keyboard for credit card number input (large # keys) 4:08 > Need to view prototype on device in order to see the range of keyboards 5:59 > Multi-line text area input field 6:24 > Search Bar 6:40 > Checkbox control customization 7:22 > On/Off Switch control customization 7:52 > Slider control customization 9:27 > Increasing size of slider handle 9:47 > Picker Wheel Customization 10:00 > Prototype example: Activate button when checking terms of service 10:42 > Create a button with two states (using convert to container) 12:55 > Adding interactions to a checkbox control (on change activation/deactivation) 14:45 > Definition of variable and range of uses 17:04 > Using variables with text field interactions 18:25 > Prototype Example: Using a variable to capture text input and show it in a different text box using change property. 23:27 > Prototype: Use variables to increment and decrement counter showing number of tickets being purchased. 28:40 > Searching full range of icons built into 29:10 > Using a variable to limit the range of tickets (0 to 8) 32:46 > Copying and pasting interactions with Variables 40:08

Todd Siegel

Emoji Toggle Component

Mouse over and out to toggle between the active and inactive state. Click to select the active state, click again to deselect. Showcases the power of containers in Each emoji is converted into a container (through the right-click menu). The individual emoji containers have two states: selected and deselected. The parent container contains all the emoji containers. This parent container has 6 states: non-selected, and the active state for each emoji (5). The click/tap trigger changes the both the individual emoji state, and respective parent container state to the active emoji. Easily change the emojis to any other one you choose while maintaining all the interactions. Make sure to click into each individual emoji container and double-click the current emoji and replace the image with the new one from the asset library. Replacing the image by double-clicking the existing one preserves the grayscale in the deselected state. Enjoy!

Todd Siegel

Hulu TV App Home Screen

Interactive TV app prototype of Hulu's home page. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard (note: mouse click to enable keys) or map to a remote control on a television screen to explore a Hulu like home screen with proto io. Note: Must click the canvas to enable key presses, this seems to be a common restriction with most prototyping tools when building key press focus interaction models.

Nino Silva

Random Graph Generator

Random Graphs created by using variables.

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The Search Project

Hi there! The Search Project is my latest prototype that allow users to search images and have live results. Happy prototyping!

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Windows 8 Showcase

A demo showcasing Windows 8 components.

Akis Ioannou
