Emoji Toggle Component

Mouse over and out to toggle between the active and inactive state. Click to select the active state, click again to deselect. Showcases the power of containers in Proto.io. Each emoji is converted into a container (through the right-click menu). The individual emoji containers have two states: selected and deselected. The parent container contains all the emoji containers. This parent container has 6 states: non-selected, and the active state for each emoji (5). The click/tap trigger changes the both the individual emoji state, and respective parent container state to the active emoji. Easily change the emojis to any other one you choose while maintaining all the interactions. Make sure to click into each individual emoji container and double-click the current emoji and replace the image with the new one from the asset library. Replacing the image by double-clicking the existing one preserves the grayscale in the deselected state. Enjoy!

Todd Siegel

NBA All Star Game 2019 Starters

A smooth prototype displaying the NBA All Star Game 2019 Starters. Includes state transitions, screen transitions, lottie/bodymovin animations. All images are courtesy of NBA http://www.nba.com Feel free to import!

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Prizax st - The smart socket app

Different perspective this time by having the smart app next to the IOT device. Prizax st is a smart socket system that offers multiple benefits compared to the non-smart sockets. Constant consumption monitoring, enable/disable sockets directly through the app, event management and much more. Contains screen, state transitions, bodymovin/lottie animations. Feel free to import!

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Netflix Desktop UI Sketch Resource

Netflix Desktop UI Sketch Resource Design: https://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/3590-netflix-desktop-ui-sketch-freebie-resource.html

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