
This is a prototype for a café discovery service that I'm developing and it is purely for idea conceptualization purposes only! Please leave comments and let me know what you think!

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Map Data Visualization with Slider using Variables

Use a slider component to see the how a map of the US changes every month over a year based on the concentration of a fanbase. Uses a basic variable to change the container state of the map, with map assets created in Sketch. See how a version of it was created step-by-step within the Dashboard & Data Visualization webinar: http://docs.proto.io/videos/using-proto-io-for-dashboards-and-data-visualizations/ tags: variable | variables | data visualization | data viz | map | slider | states | months | USA

Todd Siegel

PointCloud iPad Viewer

iPad mobile tablet prototype using hotspots, carousel and tab bar for navigation.

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Faces flying out of bar chart

A data visualization where a bar chart of faces flies out showing the details of individual faces.

Todd Siegel

iOS Weather App

This is the companion prototype to a 2-part tutorial where we explore the utilization of variables to help us to recreate Apple’s native iOS Weather app. In both tutorials, we go over the different ways Proto.io makes variables available to use in building your prototypes - from the simple example of setting a value in the variables manager and utilizing that value in the prototype to creating and setting a custom variable based on the property of a container and then to the more advanced usage of ternary operators to affect an outcome based on conditions surrounding that custom variable. http://docs.proto.io/videos/ios-weather-app-variables-tutorial-part-1/ http://docs.proto.io/videos/ios-weather-app-variables-tutorial-part-2/

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multiple slider test

A score based filter system that I hacked using variables. Each of the 10 cities is assigned a score for avg temperature, Taxes, and Cost of living, and when the sliders correspond to those values cumulatively, those cities show up on the map.

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Net Magazine Prototype - Juxtacaption

This is prototype was created for the Net magazine article "Design Prototypes That Reel Real - with Proto.io. It includes a step-by-step written tutorial with screenshots here: http://www.creativebloq.com/web-design/design-prototypes-feel-real-protoio-21619311 It's a product concept for juxtaposing two photos and typing a caption about the connection between them. It should look like this. The tutorial starts with bringing in a range of external assets. Then it'll show how to design assets and customize native components within the tool. Interactions will be triggered by gestures, keyboard input, and automatically as the prototype loads, then choreographed along an animation timeline. Enjoy... TAGS text input capture staggered animation variable variables show captured text input on different screen

Todd Siegel
