Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop an avatar over a target area that animates when in the drop zone. When released outside the target drop zone, it returns to the original location. Uses a variable to define the target drop zone, that then triggers animations in the zone and when dropped. See how it was made step by step in the webinar video: https://support.proto.io/hc/en-us/articles/115000637591-Advanced-Scrolling-Dragging TAGS: drag and drop dragging variables variable animations on drop animation

Todd Siegel

Header change on Scroll

Change of the header according to scroll position of content.

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Vr House Tour

A 3D Interactive Walkthrough of a space using the Proto.io VR Component. Using gaze click interactions you can transition from one 360° scene to another. Import this fully editable project into your Proto.io account to create your own 3D interactive walkthrough.

Constantinos Thoma

Football Team Formations

I'm going to give you an explanation of the best modern football formations. A football formation is a number set that describes the positions of players on the field. It determines how many players play on defense, the midfield, and the frontline. The first number always describes the defender, and so on. For example, a formation like 4-3-3 plays with four defenders, three midfielders, and three forwards. The goalkeeper is never mentioned in a football formation. Most formations are described in three numbers but four- and five-rank formations are also possible. This is created in Proto.io using States and States Animations.

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Space Invaders Recreation

A recreation of the classic game Space Invaders. Using highly complex conditional interactions to track the position of hurtboxes & collision with containers and states. Drag ship to move and fire using the 'Space' key. Example projects referred to: https://spaces.proto.io/project/CCDD39E8-969E-9AFA-C094-3EA4B8A96FD5/Colission/ https://spaces.proto.io/project/487FEE4D-C6EA-4201-6A2E-17D115E0A65A/Hoopz/ I do not own the assets or have any affiliation with Tomohiro Nishikado, Taito or Midway. This is simply a tribute to one of the most iconic videogames which shaped the industry.

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3 different counters using variables 1. A standard counter 2. A counter from the number of seconds the user sets 3. A countdown

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