Swarm Check-in

Apply color adjustments and filters to your prototypes to create beautiful interactions and animations. https://proto.io/en/new-features/adjustments-filters/

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Pro Tips & Tricks

Here is the set of prototypes from the Pro Tips and Tricks webinar: 1) Propagate Events to Items Below 2) Containers as Symbols 3) Conditional Animation 4) Screen Interaction 5) Sketches into Prototype Here is the video of the webinar: http://docs.proto.io/videos/pro-tips-tricks/ The video is broken down with time-codes on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/103316955 (under read more) They are also below. Enjoy... > Create popover menu with click through to icon below 4:08 > Propagate all events to the item below 4:08 > Using containers as symbols for efficiency (navigation assets etc.) 11:59 > Customizing a navbar component 14:55 > Customize a tabbar component 16:48 > Convert navbar to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:10 > Convert tabbar to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:43 > Convert text box to a container to repeat (as symbol) 19:49 > Using a container to create change font style for repeated Titles and labels. 21:55 > Conditional animations triggered by drag gesture using variables (mailbox swipe). 23:04 > Adding containers to canvas 24:44 > Using the draggable gesture 25:25 > Variable Manager 26:00 > Using onDrag variable to change an objects opacity 26:38 > Range of property values that can be changed based on a drag gesture 27:45 > Capturing the X position from dragging an object using a variable 27:57 > Creating a new value if/then argument using shorthand javascript to change opacity using a variable. 29:00 > Creating a callback to the change a property that reads from a variable. 29:52 > Using the onDragEnd gesture 30:33 > Change the Left property using a variable triggered by onDragEnd 30:49 > See range of properties that can be changed from onDragEnd gesture. 31:04 > Using On Screen Show Interaction for creating an automatically cycling carousel. 35:25 > Importing paper sketches (photos of them) to use as background for layering assets and interactions. 40:28 > Toggling between a sketch and your higher fidelity mockup using states. 44:25 > Duplicating interactions between states 45:18

Todd Siegel


Meet your virtual personal assistant to go out A virtual personal assistant that connects users social profiles to the best coupon offers at restaurants. Save Money: Get top matching coupons nearby Save Time: Sit back and let "Out" do the search for you Connect with Friends: Get notified about nearby friends to eat out

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My Music App

My Music App lets you listen to your favourite music and add / edit song lyrics to share with the world!

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Movies & Series

Movies & Series App project Design Credits: https://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/2896-sample-iphone-x-movies-app-sketch-freebie-resource.html

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Laundry App

I used part of the "Laundry App UI Kit Sketch Resource" design that was designed by Satheesh Kumar at: https://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/3397-laundry-app-ui-kit-sketch-freebie-resource.html to create a quick prototype

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An example project on how to create randomise dice using variables along with containers and states to recreate various dice. Use the + / - icons to add more of each dice. Includes all variations of basic polyhedral dice for use.

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