MerlinApp iPhone 5/5c/5s ver. 1.2

This is just the regular user interface. The introduction and underlying technology are not displayed due to intellectual property. The desired effect here is to show the app's powerful ability to promote local business on any mobile display even one as small as an iPhone 5. New smartphones have much larger screen sizes usually ranging from 4.7" to 5.5". So, showing that the tech works on an iPhone 5 helps us prove this point. If you would like to leave a comment, please do so. Any help is appreciated. Also, if you would like to get involved, please leave a comment.

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Price Today App

Price Today App is a an android application that disseminates price updates of agricultural good in a specific region. Features includes can budget your expenses before going to the market, can report abusive vendors to the authority and can suggest specific markets with most available products you need to buy.

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A tool to help youngsters in India with solving local urban problems. A set of concrete tools and solutions to solve daily problems.

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Vocation Station

Imagine not being able to get to a job because you don't have a car? Or finding a perfect fit that you can't get to. Vocation Station is the answer, allowing job hunters that don't have access to their own vehicles to find a job based on their ability to get there. Included should be transit times, blackout times, etc.. so that people that may work swing/overnight shifts or weekends would know in advance whether or not it would be something they could realistically do. This would enable employees to apply for the right positions, hold positions longer and employers to avoid and reduce turnover from chronic late-comers and no-shows.

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