Dynamic List Simulation

A simple implementation of how to simulate a Dynamic List which the user can manually increase or decrease using a single Container, a List component and States.

Constantinos Thoma


An app designed to help with stress management through the development of critical thinking skills and creativity

Carly Holtzman

auto-complete search

Type the first character of topics from http://uxofvr.com to see the auto-complete. (a-z, 2,3). Use ESC to hide the dropdown. Uses a variable to capture the content of the search field then uses the javascript method "{search}".charAt(0) to capture the first character of the search string to then change the container state property of the auto-complete dropdown to match the first character typed. see video of how to create this step-by-step in the webinar: https://support.proto.io/hc/en-us/articles/115001243532-Model-advanced-prototypes-that-use-variables TAGS: auto-complete search dropdown variables variable character selection Thanks to Costas Thoma for the model.

Todd Siegel


SET UP A MINDMAP: a) Create a new Mindmap and set main goal media b) Add 1 default image bubble to the canvas c) Add 1 default video bubble to the canvas d) Add 1 text bubble to the canvas e) Add 1 default Sound bubble to the canvas f) Click on one or more bubbles to view details, edit text or play sound g) Connect any two bubbles h) Save i) Return to View MindMap Screen *NOTE: For the demo, bubble shapes are the default dark-blue-blackish colour only. If you want the bubble to have a colour, simply click colour code. The bubble will be circular. Tap/Click hold to rotate connectors. View a Vision Board Task List Help

Carly Holtzman


2. CREATE A SCRAPBOOK PAGE: a) Create a new Page b) Add 1 default image from collection c) Crop the image on the canvas d) Paint a squiggle e) Cut up the image on the canvas into 4 pieces of any shape f) Type something g) Place an emoji h) Save Scrap After 5 min take a break, or not View Trust Circles

Carly Holtzman

Using a switch to select items and add costs

Use a variable to add the costs of premium features that are selected or deselected using an iOS switch component. See a video of how to do this step-by-step in this webinar: https://support.proto.io/hc/en-us/articles/115001585411-Model-advanced-prototypes-that-use-variables-part-II TAGS: variables variable math addition switch switches fire an items event

Todd Siegel

Bungee jump animation with custom easings

Say hello to our brand new visual easings manager! This project was created using custom easings and more specifically cubic bezier.

Christos Chatzikkos

Conditional Animation Loop

An example project which allows the user to designate the number of times the Star component Spins. Simulating a conditional animation loop according to the input of the user while using a total of 2 variables and a container with 3 states.

Constantinos Thoma
