I created a prototype of the UBER app for Android in order to demonstrate what is possible using Proto.io. This project was a massive undertaking as my goal was to simulate the user experience of what it would be like to order 4 different UBER cars in San Francisco. I plan on doing a full "behind the scenes" article on my website about the challenges I faced along the way simulating the UBER app in Proto.io. Special thanks to the awesome team at Proto.io for all of their tireless assistance along the way! If you are looking for an experienced Proto.io prototype engineer or are looking for tutorials and more information about Proto.io please visit my website: http://protonerds.com/

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Finding language learning resources can be a time-consuming hassle. This app makes your search easier by exposing you to well-designed resources. Save the ones that strike your fancy and dabble, or get the app to arrange them into a structured, daily study schedule for you. Then track and share your progress. It's that simple. You can share your progress

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A tool to help youngsters in India with solving local urban problems. A set of concrete tools and solutions to solve daily problems.

Reap Benefit

Map Data Visualization with Slider using Variables

Use a slider component to see the how a map of the US changes every month over a year based on the concentration of a fanbase. Uses a basic variable to change the container state of the map, with map assets created in Sketch. See how a version of it was created step-by-step within the Dashboard & Data Visualization webinar: http://docs.proto.io/videos/using-proto-io-for-dashboards-and-data-visualizations/ tags: variable | variables | data visualization | data viz | map | slider | states | months | USA

Todd Siegel
