Health Tracking

Track your daily calories with your camera, get recommended based on your gender, interactive UI!

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Circle illusion with Tusi motion

I made this illusion based on the Tusi motion method, which takes his name from Nair al-Din Tusi, a Persian astronomer from the 13th century. The principle established by Tusi states that: If a circle with diameter A rotates on the inner boundary of a circle with diameter 2A, then a point on the circumference of the inner circle traces a straight line. As you can see, any ball in the inner circumference is following a perfect linear movement. This is created with 8 Containers where the balls move linear in a loop. The delay between balls must be always the same as the speed of the animation. An ease-in-out cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .6, 1) animation is required to get the circular shape.

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Seat Reservation

Book a seat to a Hall, count selected seats, and calculate total cost of seats booked - Helios Hall is the interactive Hall for the seat reservation

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TV App Basic Content Navigation

This prototype demonstrates basic content navigation for a TV app moving focus model. TV Apps differ from web and mobile in that interactions are triggered by remote control button presses which can be mapped to key board presses with proto io. With a TV focus model every component will have a collection of "On" and "Off" states both between the components themselves i.e: the menu and items within those components i.e: a menu item such as "Movies". These interactions models must work in a way in which as one component is on, all others must be off and so on. This example will show basic interactions and how to navigate pages commonly used my modern TV apps for devices such as Apple TV, Roku, Google TV, Smart TV's etc. Note: Must click the canvas to enable key presses, this seems to be a common restriction with most prototyping tools when building key press focus interaction models.

Nino Silva



XStream⁺ dApp

Download this dApp to stream music and video on the fly. This decentralized application is a file-sharing service. Earn crypto by sharing media.

David Spelling
