Poweramp [Music Player]

This is the prototype of my favorite music player, Poweramp. I've tried to recreate the Plastic HD theme of the app interface and made it pretty close to the original visually which includes some of the transitions. This design has been made with Adobe Photoshop CC and Material Design Library of Proto.io. Hope you guys like it! Would love to know your views on it and how can we improve it :) Cheers! Aman P.S: Turn up the speaker ;)

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Sign in Screen

This is an example of a sign in screen that validates a username and a password. Feel free to import this fully editable project into your own account for use in your prototypes. Use the following to successfully sign in and proceed to the next screen User Name: john Password: proto.io

Akis Ioannou

Using a switch to select items and add costs

Use a variable to add the costs of premium features that are selected or deselected using an iOS switch component. See a video of how to do this step-by-step in this webinar: https://support.proto.io/hc/en-us/articles/115001585411-Model-advanced-prototypes-that-use-variables-part-II TAGS: variables variable math addition switch switches fire an items event

Todd Siegel
