Form examples

3 types of forms in this project: 1. Basic form to fill out your info 2. Form that shows additional fields and expands 3. Form with validation if fields are empty

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Dial Timer

A reverse timer using the handle to designate where the timer begins its countdown.

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This is an untitled mobile streaming app tailored for activists and citizen journalists. Key features for the target market are: a) Chat directly to Twitter while streaming and keeping access to streaming controls and image (no opaque overlays). b) App caches directly to phone when network signal drops off, and continues streaming when network signal is regained. Once network signal is regained, the user can resynch the missing parts of the video. Press on the BATTERY icon to toggle into the "no network" simulator and then out of it. c) No barrier to capture - sign up, click "record" and presto! You're recording. d) Take photos by clicking on the image - and add them to your Twitter posts when you chat - this makes for more engaging posts --> more visits to your stream. Some notes: 1) In the capture screen, press the "battery" button to simulate the loss of signal and how the app caches. 2) I'm thinking of getting rid of the social elements for the MVP - and just relying on the Twitter social graph for now and focusing on image capture and playback. 3) Go to the user profile => to see how to synch an incomplete video. Hoping to hear feedback about : 1) simplicity of interface 2) generate design tips. Thanks!

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Search Field Animations

Here are 2 different search field animations: 1. Tap to expand size of search field to the right.; 2. Tap to reveal search area underline to the left TAGS: search search box search field animation states

Todd Siegel

Using a switch to select items and add costs

Use a variable to add the costs of premium features that are selected or deselected using an iOS switch component. See a video of how to do this step-by-step in this webinar: TAGS: variables variable math addition switch switches fire an items event

Todd Siegel

Sign up - Sign in

A Sign up - Sign in page example project using Variables and States to validate the correct user input in both pages.

Constantinos Thoma

Pandora Driving Mode

This is a UX design prototype for Pandora's Android app (from October 2014), adding a "Driving Mode" and lateral navigation between stations from the Now Playing screen. I took a challenge to redesign Pandora's Android app or add features at my discretion. Focusing on the Now Playing screen where users probably spend most of their time, I identified two areas in which I wanted to improve its UX: station identification and navigation, and its user experience while on the go. A 7 minute 25 second presentation of this demo with commentary is available on YouTube: A full write-up of an earlier, iteration of the design (along with a downloadable pdf) is available at

Edwin Li
