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Sign up - Sign in 5,955

A Sign up - Sign in page example project using Variables and States to validate the correct user input in both pages.

Constantinos Thoma
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Published in Interactive, Input

Comments (5)

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Constantinos Thoma @CostasThoma · Nov 17, 2018
@FPEHealth Hi Abdulraheem, can you please make sure that the component you are targetting is a container? Since if it isn't a container you will not be able to change its state. Also, please keep in mind that your container does need to have more than 1 state in order for this to work.

Kind Regards,
Constantinos Thoma @CostasThoma · Aug 8, 2018
We actually have a webinar which covers this project in detail and how you can validate text fields using Variables, which you can find here:

If you still seem to be having trouble with this feel free to contact me at:

Kind Regards,
Whitley K @wkemble · Aug 6, 2018
I'm having the same problem in a similar flow--I've read about some of the hacks to get the validation/state change to work, but haven't had success yet. Any guidance?
Constantinos Thoma @CostasThoma · Jul 24, 2017
@joinme You can import the project into your account in order to be able to access the projects editor by clicking the 'Import' button next to the 'Heart' button.

Once you enter the editor you will notice on the textfields inside the screen 'Sign In' that there are interactions that set Variables and 'Fire an Item's Event' from the 'Interaction Area' component placed outside the canvas on the top right corner. The interactions set on the 'Interaction Area' are what switch the button states.
Tanatorn Bunsripirat @joinme · Jul 24, 2017
Sory sir, How to change Sign Button color when correct UID and PWD?

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