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Variables Examples 33,322

The project contains numerous examples completed using variables and conditional logic.

Akis Ioannou
Share 2,612 112
Published in Input, Transitions

Comments (43)

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Akis Ioannou @akisioannou · Aug 5, 2021
Hi @gregkopchuk , you can import the project to your account so that you can edit and see the logic:

Feel free to send me any questions at for more help
Greg Kopchuk @gregkopchuk · Aug 4, 2021
So how do I view the logic and how to set them up?
Anna Mitsinga @annam · Jan 23, 2021
Hilary Su @hilarysu · Apr 15, 2019
hi how do i display total score on the last screen from mutliple choice answers from separate screens?
Akis Ioannou @akisioannou · Apr 4, 2018
@johnnyprot0 Make sure to open the project in the editor first, select to update and Save project. The open on your phone.
If still not working please contact me at
Cheers, Akis

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