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Hey! 3,248

Hey!, the conversational app that is here to help users find something to do today. Users search through three categories of events to find what best suits them, learn, see and do. Each event appears 24hrs before it begins, allowing users time to plan their day. Users can view saved events and can even add their own events, all from the home menu. Hey! brings people together through entertaining events.

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Comments (1)

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8a1cc31b-504e-11ed 9221-0e76797a4f7b @Subject-Wise · Mar 30, 2015
Excellent idea and cleanly presented! If you are up to it, I would love to see any of these ideas added to your app:
Profile login:
-Credit in points for events attended.
-Accumulated x credit = coupon % off.
Settings feature:
-Text field for a zip code, or GPS location tracking.
-Slider bar in kilometers, showing events within "x" range.
Remaining available reservations.
Group reservations button:
-Form screen (pop up)
-Deposit for x amount for reservations.
-Cancelation fee 48 hours before event.
Event page link:
-Event page: title, host photo, info.
Sorry! This is simply to flesh out the app... You should make it real unless it is, then my apologies. Best of luck!

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