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Hide Navigation Bar On Scroll 4,955

This is an example of a Navigation Bar that disappears on any downward scroll and re-appears on on any upward scroll.

Akis Ioannou
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Published in Navigation

Comments (4)

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Constantinos Thoma @CostasThoma · Jun 30, 2017
@kebafye Hello, could you please send us a private support ticket at while including your account URL and project name so that we may assist you with this?
491eceb2-3b78-11ef ab6d-0e76797a4f7b @kebafye · Jun 30, 2017
@akisioannou, I was wondering if you could help me out? I have a top nav that I'd like to disappear on scrolling to the bottom of my page and I'd like it to appear while scrolling to the top of my page (container). At the moment it's the exact opposite and I have no clue how to change this. Thanks in advance!
Akis Ioannou @akisioannou · Jun 23, 2017
@kebafye Can you please contact me at ?
Thank you!
491eceb2-3b78-11ef ab6d-0e76797a4f7b @kebafye · Jun 23, 2017
Hey Akis, I was wondering if you could help me out? I have a top nav that I'd like to disappear on scrolling to the bottom of my page and I'd like it to appear while scrolling to the top of my page (container). At the moment it's the exact opposite and I have no clue how to change this. Thanks in advance!

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