Dial Timer

A reverse timer using the handle to designate where the timer begins its countdown.

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Animated Flowchart

A simple animated Flowchart. Click on each tab and the arrows when zoomed in to transition to the next one. Design credited to: https://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/3636-entity-relationship-model-erd-diagram-library-sketch-frebie-resource.html

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Parallax Effect Test The Depression Low Fidelity

Website for University (Backup)

Seamus Paul Moore

Boothy McBoothFace

There's a companion video! https://youtu.be/zUKVYT_QHQI Definitely check it out! Also, if you feel generous, here's the accompanying survey to fill out! https://goo.gl/forms/rSIqB5sr2P8f7Irw1 ----- This project is all about producing a nice pleasant web app to accompany a broadcast that is going out alongside the state election (it's an aus politics thing). Personally, I find election stats vvvv boring buuut it's actually been really interesting building a web app to make them less boring. My biggest regret about this prototype is that I have to code it! Ahhh! If you ever want to talk UX or googlemap stuff definitely send me an email: rohan@trop.io

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Emoji Toggle Component

Mouse over and out to toggle between the active and inactive state. Click to select the active state, click again to deselect. Showcases the power of containers in Proto.io. Each emoji is converted into a container (through the right-click menu). The individual emoji containers have two states: selected and deselected. The parent container contains all the emoji containers. This parent container has 6 states: non-selected, and the active state for each emoji (5). The click/tap trigger changes the both the individual emoji state, and respective parent container state to the active emoji. Easily change the emojis to any other one you choose while maintaining all the interactions. Make sure to click into each individual emoji container and double-click the current emoji and replace the image with the new one from the asset library. Replacing the image by double-clicking the existing one preserves the grayscale in the deselected state. Enjoy!

Todd Siegel
