Nino Silva

TV App Product Designer · Denver, CO








I work in the video industry as a User Experience TV Product Designer. My role is to create design strategies for TV applications at a corporate level and define the user experience behind them.

As such I rely heavily on prototyping on a day to day basis ranging in everything from design ideation, executive presentations to most importantly of all user testing.

This space will showcase a collection of common TV specific apps and components that can be prototyped using proto io for fun, learning and knowledge sharing.

TV App Basic Content Navigation

This prototype demonstrates basic content navigation for a TV app moving focus model. TV Apps differ from web and mobile in that interactions are triggered by remote control button presses which can be mapped to key board presses with proto io. With a TV focus model every component will have a collection of "On" and "Off" states both between the components themselves i.e: the menu and items within those components i.e: a menu item such as "Movies". These interactions models must work in a way in which as one component is on, all others must be off and so on. This example will show basic interactions and how to navigate pages commonly used my modern TV apps for devices such as Apple TV, Roku, Google TV, Smart TV's etc. Note: Must click the canvas to enable key presses, this seems to be a common restriction with most prototyping tools when building key press focus interaction models.

TV App Basic Content Shelf

A very basic content shelf component commonly used by TV apps such as Hulu, Youtube, HBO etc. This component uses a fixed focus model where the items in the shelf move into place using key press interactions. Note: Must click the canvas to enable key presses, this seems to be a common restriction with most prototyping tools when building key press focus interaction models.

TV App Basic Menu

Basic menu using a moving focus model for TV apps such as Hulu, Youtube etc. Key presses are used to map interactions which would be mapped to physical remote controls for live demos. Note: Must click the canvas to enable key presses, this seems to be a common restriction with most prototyping tools when building key press focus interaction models.

Google TV Home Banner

Interactive banner with video of Google TV's home page. Must click to enable key presses used on a TV focus interaction model. The menu can be navigated but is only actionable for "For You" on the home page. Switching focus to the banner will enable additional UI and pausing on left/right interactions will allow for video playback with sound. No interactions below the banner are actionable.

Hulu TV App Home Screen

Interactive TV app prototype of Hulu's home page. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard (note: mouse click to enable keys) or map to a remote control on a television screen to explore a Hulu like home screen with proto io. Note: Must click the canvas to enable key presses, this seems to be a common restriction with most prototyping tools when building key press focus interaction models.