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Tinder UI 21,755

Tinder UI cards

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Published in Interactive, Transitions

Comments (6)

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0cfccac2-504e-11ed 9221-0e76797a4f7b @devan · Apr 18, 2020
How can i import the tinder UI into my own project?
92f2b218-504c-11ed 9221-0e76797a4f7b @cdemetriadis · Aug 30, 2016
@nellis ping me at info (a) Thanks!
0255482d-aa21-11ee ab6d-0e76797a4f7b @nellis · Aug 29, 2016
Hi, what's you availability like? I have a project with some similar swiping action we need prototyped.
92f2b218-504c-11ed 9221-0e76797a4f7b @cdemetriadis · Apr 3, 2015
@Chucktowner Hey Chris, contact me at info (a) and let me know what you need.
9d23db97-3d0a-11ef ab6d-0e76797a4f7b @Chucktowner · Apr 2, 2015
Hi Constantinos. You recently helped me some things on this Tinder UI template. Thank you for that. I was wondering if you would be interested in helping me create a sliding screen action. It seems very basic, but i am not sure how to get it to work properly. Just need to tap a button on the bottom of the interface and have it slide up to reveal a form field and another button. Any thoughts on that?

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